Tag: Champion

LoL roles: AD Carry

LoL How to ADC

General information When you are just starting with the League of Legends, you will immediately notice that different champions have
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In LoL

League of Legends – Talents (Masteries)

Talentes tree

Masteries General information In addition to various spells and runes in the League of Legends there is such a thing
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In LoL

Balancing Dilemma

LoL Rengar

 Balancing the Gameplay is a Dilemma among Mainstream Audience When Riot Games balances League of Legends , do you do it with
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In LoL

Skarner | The Crystalline Guardian

Skarner image

Skarner – The Crystalline Guardian Backstory Centuries ago, there lived a race of creatures as ferocious as they were wise.
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